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24 May 3 Types Of Gardening
If you are a new gardener, you might be surprised to hear that there is more than one type of gardening. All these gardening types are important to know about, so that you can choose the one that suits you and your lifestyle the best! Read on to learn about square foot gardening, vegan gardening, and wildlife gardening!
1. Square Foot Gardening
Square foot gardening is a new gardening method! This method is highly effective when planting vegetables and herbs. If you want an easy and adaptable garden, then square foot gardening might be the perfect fit for you!
The garden layout is self explanatory: it is shaped in a square! The size of your square-shaped garden will determine the number of plants that you are able to plant. Although you have a variety of size options, you only require 62 to 64 square feet (6 to 8 sq meters) to feed a family of four. Most square foot gardeners use raised beds. The beds are placed in squares, and on top of the beds a grid is placed to cordon off the squares. The beds are permanent fixtures raised above the ground so, there is no digging involved. Make sure when you place the beds that the area gets a lot of sunshine!
Square foot gardening is an intensive gardening method that gives extraordinary results! Plant the vegetables, flowers, and herbs in the squares. Keep the soil moist while the seeds start to grow, but make sure that you do not let water drip on the plants itself because that can cause plant diseases and fungus growth. The moist soil needs to gradually dry, so the best time for that is during the day.
The nice thing about square foot gardening is that you do not need a big area to establish the garden. This makes the entire organic garden process fun for any person that does not have green fingers!
2. Vegan Gardening
Vegan gardening includes staying away from all animal products. The compost consists of mulching, plant manure, rotating crops, etc. The unique difference between other gardens and a vegan garden is that the fertilizers do not contain blood, bone or anything that consists out of animal debris. Popular vegan fertilizers are wood ash, seaweed, and organic compost.
The soil, in a vegan garden, is treated with natural substances. For instance, you can use lime to reduce acidity in the soil. Then you can use the tree, Neem, as a pest repellent and Epsom salts as a magnesium source!
The goal of vegan gardening is to feed the soil with products that do not contain harmful substances, and in return the organic soil feeds the plants. If you want to conform to vegan organic gardening, the main thing to remember is: No animal products.
Start off by creating your own green compost. Do research to get ideas about what you can use to replace harmful methods. To be successful you need to think and act as a vegan, otherwise, you can disregard the entire gardening technique!
3. Wildlife Gardening
The last type of gardening is wildlife gardening. Wildlife gardening includes creating an environment to lure wildlife like birds, squirrels, etc. The aim is to create a small nature reserve in your garden by using plants wisely!
To start creating a wildlife garden, look at the plants around your countryside to determine what type of vegetation grows, and create the same type of garden scenario to stay true to the area. The closer you get to creating a similar environment, the greater the chances are that wildlife will move in. Next, think of the different types of species and the surroundings they like to live in. Establish a haven that consists of water streams, trees, flowers, and herbs to make the creatures feel at home. Weeds for a normal garden will not be tolerated, but with a wildlife garden it forms part of the beauty of nature!
Another important factor to keep in mind is that the garden needs to be user friendly. You need to establish if you will be using the garden as a retreat to get away from everything or if you want to use the garden for practical purposes like for a vegetable garden. Finding the right balance between yourself and nature can be a challenge but giving back to the environment and preserving wildlife can be very rewarding! If you are looking to bring peace to your life, wildlife gardening might be the right choice for you!
Whatever type of gardening you choose to create, know that we can help you in the process of creating an organic garden as we are OMRI certified! So, if you are looking for organic certified products to create your organic garden, click here! To learn more about organic gardening, download our free e-book here to read more about 3 Organic Pest Control Recipes, How To Maintain An Organic Garden, and more!