
Loss of vigor, and lower leaves turn yellow and drop

Pests that cause the damage

Spotty yellow discolourations

Pests that cause the damage

Distorted, curled, or deformed

Pests that cause the damage

Sticky plant foliage

Pests that cause the damage

Snake-like trails or big blotches of no chlorophyll

Pests that cause the damage

Flocculence (cottony or waxy materials)

Pests that cause the damage

Large excrement (frass) particles

Pests that cause the damage

Large webs, or tents, in the crotches of tree branches

Pests that cause the damage

Rolled up, or the leaves fastened with silk

Pests that cause the damage

Defoliation, and strip the entire leaves

Pests that cause the damage

Skeletonized or left with only a tough network of veins

Pests that cause the damage

Irregular-shaped notches of leaf margins

Pests that cause the damage

Holes in leaves

Pests that cause the damage