NemaKnights Grubs, Weevil & Borers

Custom Size / Pricing Available

Do you have a grub, weevil, or borer problem, but the issue is isolated to small areas of your property?

NemaKnights Biological Insect Control allows for a convenient spot treatment solution. Simply flip open the cap, shake the pearls onto the treatment area, and spray with water!

Traditional nematode formulations have been a successful but limited biocontrol for over 2 decades. NemaKnightsTM is the next generation.


  • Based on encapsulated S.carpocapsae & S.feltiae nematodes
  • 6-month stable shelf life
  • Pet friendly
  • Extended slow release to control of larval soil pests
  • Use indoors or outdoors
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Exclusive organic formulation
  • 100% Pesticide free